Thursday, February 2, 2012



Opal said...

Lovely drypoint pen drawing. Steve, have you done any work with printmaking, particularly etching?

Steve Morrison said...

Thanks, Opal!
I did a few etchings and aquatints several years back. They're somewhere on my website, but I should post them here. I absolutely love the printmaking process!

Opal said...

The printmaking practice can really develop your graphical talents, and get one thinking about the paper in new ways. You might even find it juicing up your visual imagination and book creation/story-telling ideas. If you're in Atlanta, there are probably some cooperative printmaking studios for artists; it's hard for an individual artist to get access to a good workshop facility with a press etc.

Elizabeth Rose Stanton said...

Wonderful line work!!

Steve Morrison said...

Thanks, Elizabeth! :)